Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mother given wrong baby to breastfeed

Midwife Jill Ashmore tried to persuade a student to keep quiet about the mistake after an inquiry was mounted at the Bassetlaw Hospital, Worksop, Notts, it was claimed.
The babies had been switched only hours after they were born on November 13, 2007, when they were taken away to be cared for while the mothers rested, the Nursing and Midwifery Council heard.
But ward staff later returned the wrong babies were returned to the mothers, known as Mother A and Mother B.
When the mix up was eventually noticed, Ashmore failed to record it happening, before trying to convince a student midwife not to "drop anybody in the s***".
She also told Mother A that her baby, Baby A, had not been fed, when in fact it had been breast fed by the other mother.
"These events occurred when the registrant was working as a midwife at the Bassetlaw Hospital,' said David Clarke, for the NMC.
"Two babies were born during the afternoon of the 13 November 2007.
"Over night both of the babies were having some trouble settling and were taken from their mothers, with the agreement of the mothers, to a different area where they were looked after by midwives and health care assistants.
"There was a mistake on their return - in fact there was two mistakes - as Baby B was returned to the Mother A, and Baby A was given to Mother B.
"When the mistake had been realised, they were recovered and given back to the correct mothers.'
"When the registrant was returning Baby A to Mother A, she told the mother that the baby had not been fed during the period they had been separated.
"It is alleged that the registrant told the mother this without determining if that was correct.
"As it turns out, the baby had been fed; breast fed by Mother B who at the time had thought she was feeding her own baby."
The panel heard that the blunder was reported and investigated by the hospital, at which point Ashmore told student midwife Claire Newton-Jones to cover up the blunder.
"During the course of the internal investigation of what had happened the registrant attempted to influence what a student midwife, who was present, was going to say to that internal investigation," Mr Clarke added.
Mr Clarke said that Ashmore told Ms Newton-Jone that she should not say anything about Mother B Breastfeeding the baby of Mother A, should say the bare minimum and should not "drop anybody in the s***".
Ashmore admits she failed to record the error in the mothers notes and failed to inform anyone at the time of the change over of one shift to another.
She had denied the rest of the charges, but is not attending the central London hearing.
If found guilty of misconduct she could faces being struck off.
The hearing continues

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