Thursday, August 29, 2013

Let's talk about Sophie

Let's talk Sophie! 

I truely love her! But I also truly hate her! I like that she is completely organic! Here is what I'm not a fan of:

She is noisy! She makes sooo much noise when in my little guys mouth! She is a teether but I dont think she cares to be chewed on.
She keeps sticking her legs down my sons throat and making him throw up! I took her away from my first son for this reason and she is at it again. May need to take her away again :( Does she do this on purpose?
She is popular but pricey! I would not buy her myself but she makes for a fun gift!

Long live Sophie :) Would love to hear what you think of her .....
We have had a busy week traveling! The trip was a vacation trip however the first with a toddler and an infant. Have been thinking a lot of what products we wanted to talk about and the list is rather extensive. Stay tuned for the following posts: Tommee Tippee bottles, Baby Bjorn vs Infantino Carrier, Sophie the Giraffe, Car seat travel bag, Infantino squeeze food maker, trunki by Melissa and Doug and sooooooo much more.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

It's been a while!!!

I am so sorry I have been MIA for so long. Let me tell you what I have been up to and tell you where I am going. I promise to make my absence up to you!!

First off let me tell you where I have been. In February we had our second little boy. He is 6 months old now and just the cutest little guy! I can't hardly believe how fast the past 6 months have gone but it sure has been fun. It has been awesome to see my 3 year old (as of July) grow up since his role of being big brother! He truly loves his little baby brother. He loves to help where possible!!

While taking a sadly forced break from being with you guys I have decided to change the direction of my blogs. I though well another boy everything will be pretty much the same right?! Well wrong!! Some of the products I loved using with L I can not use on A for many reasons. In 3 years baby gear has really changed so have had to adapt and adopt to these changes. With that said I am going to start telling how products I loved with L do not work with A and visa versa. So please come visit me often as I will be covering a wide range of products. Ok so I know there are a lot of product review blogs out there but mine will be different as I will be covering the funny, hard, sad, fun etc days with my little monkeys.

Over the next few weeks I will start by reviewing my Baby Bjorn vs Infantino carrier, Tommee Tippee products, Carters vs Safety 1st High Chair, regular vs soy formula (my littlest guy is allergic to Dairy), and so much more. Before I go let me leave you with this: I don't allow L to nap too long in the afternoon as I want for a easier bed time. A naps how ever long he wants but usually double the time L naps. In the remaining time L usually paints, bakes, water slides in the yard etc. L's favorite thing in the entire world is to show/tell A what he did for the remaining time. I just love this photo cause L is telling A all about the picture he pained and he is just loving it!

Good night for now :)